Waldorf-Inspired Virtual Classes


Lotus & Ivy HOMEWORK POLICY for Grades K – 10

Lotus & Ivy is a comprehensive and rigorous Waldorf-inspired program, and the standards below must be met by our student-families in order for our students and our community to be successful. Let us know if you need support or need an alternative way that works better for your family. As a community, we are striving to uplift the whole while meeting the needs of the individual as much as we can.

Grownups must be willing to establish communication with the teacher(s), whether via Google Classroom or email.

Grownups must read teacher emails each week and take note of supplies needed for the week. It serves the student best when they have the supplies they need for class time.

We ask Grownups to partner with us in ensuring the homework is complete so the child is not feeling lost or uncomfortable in class.

Each weekend, our teachers send emails or Google Classroom notifications regarding assignments and homework required outside of class time. Completion of this homework is REQUIRED. Lotus & Ivy provides Waldorf lessons that build on previous lessons and are a comprehensive academic education for the students. Homework is key to the student's success in our program.

Our teachers rely on work samples to assess what students need in future lessons and how the teachers may help each individual student. Our teachers will ask for work samples, and it is important that grownups turn in the work samples for the students in grades K-6.

Students in grades 7 - 10 are asked to take on more responsibility by submitting their own work samples when asked. Please make every effort to support your student in strengthening their will forces to put in the work required. It is impossible for a teacher to provide a grade when work is incomplete or missing. An “Incomplete” will be issued in this case with a due date for all missing assignments to be turned in. In this case, we may not be able to provide assessment reports or sample transcripts.

Lotus & Ivy encourages students to do their own work, cite sources, and follow proper research channels. We encourage students to be honest and uphold the value of being true to yourself. Please see the definition of plagiarism below and talk with your child about this. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.

Plagiarism: The act of using words, ideas, or products which belong to another person or source, without giving credit to the source from which it was taken. Plagiarism can occur when a person tries to represent another person’s work as the student’s own in order to obtain some benefit, credit or gain. Plagiarism can occur unintentionally if a person does not acknowledge the work of others that helped the student complete work.